måndag 24 september 2012

Do yoga for your inner peace!

Can practicing yoga help in the recovery from eating disorders? Well, I have always believed so! During my recovery I took classes in yoga paired with mindfulness, breathing exercises and body awareness - and it made me look at and move my body in a different way! It also helped with my panic attacks and it took my focus away from disordered thoughts filling up my head.

That is why I am so excited when more and more studies on this subject keep popping up! I read a real interesting study from Complementary Therapies in Medicine where they looked at patients with BED, Binge Eating Disorder, and it showed that a 12-week yoga program along with yoga performed at home decreased the number of binges and increased the physical activity level of the patient! I am not saying that yoga is a cure, but it can be a complement to other forms of therapy and medical help for an eating disorder. And my opinion is that more recovery centers should start having yoga and mindfulness on their weekly schedule for their patients!

I am actually in training to become a fitness instructor (alongside my university studies in physiotherapy) and I want to focus on yoga and mindfulness - so watch out 'cause maybe soon I will be starting up a class you can join! Until then, keep checking the blog and please e-mail me any correspondance, thoughts, tips, or recovery stories! xoxo

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